Albert Einstein has been widely credited with saying; “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” However there is absolutely no evidence that Einstein actually made this statement. Never the less, it is a great quote and most people we meet can easily repeat this statement.
However, few actually take it to heart. Many business owners will do the exact same thing they did in 2016 and expect 2017 to be a better year than the previous year.
Often business owners at the beginning of the year will say they want to make a 3- 5% increase in their business for the upcoming year. The problem with this statement is that it doesn’t really require thinking differently or doing anything different than the previous year to achieve this goal. A little tweaking here, a little tweaking there, a slight increase in sales, a little expense reduction at the same time and they can easily make a 3-5% increase in their bottom line results. Often these are practices that were already being done in the business anyway. So are they expecting different results while pretty much doing the same thing they did in the previous year? Have they really made any real changes in their business practices? Are they thinking differently moving forward? Most likely they have not made any real changes in the business but will expect great results. Incremental change isn’t going to take your business to the next level. We have to demand more of our business and ourselves.
What if we asked the question; What would it take to double my business for the upcoming year?
Asking the question, how can I double my business for this New Year requires us to think about our business from a different perspective. It can no longer be business as usual. It forces us to stop and think and look at our business from a higher level. And in order to effectively think differently about the business, we have to step back from the business to really see what is going on. If we want to double your business for the upcoming year, it can’t be business as usual. You have to do something different beyond tweaking here and there.
Where do we want your business to be a year from now? What are you going to do differently this year then you did last year to make a dramatic change and double that business? What is it that is preventing you from reaching the next level of success in your business and personal life? Do you know what it is? Have you reflected on the last year to examine what you did well and what you can improve on moving forward? Have you determined what prevented you from achieving the level of success that you wanted to achieve at the beginning of the year? Are you going to do the same thing this year and expect different results?
Do you want to make dramatic improvements in your business for 2017?
If you truly want to make a difference and take your business to the next level, then give us a call. You don’t have to go it alone and without a guide. We are here to help.
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