“There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.”-George Shinn
The importance of leading and managing people properly can not be stressed enough. It is a big misconception to think some people are just “natural born leaders” and/or have an innate ability to be people managers. On the contrary, these are learned skills just like every other topic we cover in our coaching process.
The concept of leverage is essential! What is leverage? Leverage is achieving the greatest return with the least amount of effort. As an owner, executive or manager, you gain tremendous leverage through your business systems and your people. Systems and people allow you to maximize your growth and profits.
J. Paul Getty said, “It doesn’t make much difference how much other knowledge or experience an executive possesses; if he is unable to achieve results through other people, he is worthless as an executive.” If you are not achieving superior results through your systems and people, you are probably working too hard, earning too little, not growing your revenues and profits, and performance has reached a plateau.
Continue to spend time working “ON” your business. It’s vital that you have time for reflecting, thinking, planning, and reviewing your business.
Your leadership and other strengths are not worth much if you are unable to achieve leverage and results through other people. Keep reminding yourself and your management team that the greatest assets of your business are your people!
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